Barbri: Audits and Roadmap

New product roadmap clarified a path forward to address over 180 UX issues.

Barbri, the leader in bar exam prep for law school students, was being challenged by new competitors. Barbri hypothesized that while their content was superior, their product experience lacked enjoyment and compelling engagement. They turned to Openfield to pinpoint where to start and to prioritize actionable next steps.

  • 104

    user pain points identified

  • 79

    accessibility issues found

  • 8

    quick wins prioritized

  • 13

    long-term initiatives identified


  • Discovery session

    Openfield facilitated a discovery session with Barbri to identify the assumed pain points.

  • Heuristic and accessibility audits

    Audits of the existing product UX revealed a wide range of opportunities for improvement.

  • Actionable roadmap

    Openfield delivered a focused action plan that prioritized both short- and long-term improvement opportunities.

Visual explaining our process of auditing Barbri and producing outcomes such as pain points, accessibility issues, and a product roadmap.