We are a UX research and design partner focused solely on EdTech

We can help you fix acute user pain points quickly. We can also help you with longer-term strategic challenges like product validation and innovation, roadmap planning, and team scalability.
A person growing frustrated with a digital product experience.

Is a surge of user frustration growing into an emergency?

The Acute UX Diagnostic and Action Plan can help!

We can help you identify and create an actionable plan to deal with UX pain points so you can avoid more serious long-term damage such as product abandonment and lost sales.

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My working relationship with Openfield is one of the best I’ve had. I value and trust the partnership we’ve built together. We see them as another member of our team who has been instrumental in building great customer experiences with our products.

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Image of two members of an EdTech product team in a rapid ideation session

Take your EdTech product from problem to solution with these 3 ideation exercises

Of all the critical moments in the product design process, the leap from a defined problem to solution idea is one of the most exciting and critical steps. Whether building a product for the first time or generating ideas for the “next big thing,” an effective ideation process can ensure a strong start to the production cycle. Different business needs call for different kinds of ideas. All moments of ideation, however, benefit from a strong and creative plan for input and innovation.

Photo of high school students using laptops in a classroom

How A Comprehensive Approach Improves EdTech UX Outcomes

The EdTech sector is experiencing an increase in funding and investment. However, you still need firm justification for UX research and design initiatives across a long chain of command. That means if you want to invest in user research and design services, your product team needs to demonstrate a clear return on investment. As specialized EdTech UX research and design experts, we’ll guide you through each stage of our comprehensive approach to UX design, including outcomes and deliverables. This guide will allow you to assess whether Openfield is the right UX partner to drive measurable value for your EdTech.

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8 EdTech trends to drive your 2024 strategy

We’re sensing a lot of pent up desire to move on big picture initiatives in 2024. The past couple years were filled with many unknowns as investment in the sector was heavily scrutinized for both early-stage and mature EdTech products. If you’re like many product leaders we talk to, you may be looking at 2024 with continued trepidation but feeling the pressure to address underlying issues that are keeping your product from being the best it can be. But 2024 could shape up to be your best year yet — if you play it right. We compiled a list of critical trends that will be the biggest influencers on your business.

African American elementary student using a tablet in the classroom

How Openfield gets quick wins while tackling long-term solutions for strategic EdTech product growth

Following a period of reticence toward spending on longer-term strategic initiatives in favor of quicker wins, we believe there is pent up desire to tackle bigger picture initiatives. But the need to scrutinize big moves feels more important than ever as investment in the EdTech sector continues to reset to normal pre-pandemic levels. That means investors, stakeholders and buyers are seeking safe bets on viable solutions to well-researched user needs. Whether you are an early, mid, or late-stage EdTech product, you can’t afford to have a declining user experience.

Photo of two students using e-learning software in a classroom

The 3-step guide to validating your EdTech product

Without proper user validation, many EdTech companies risk missing the mark with their products. If your concepts don’t actually resonate with your end users, they easily get lost in the crowded EdTech marketplace. It’s especially risky in light of funding fluctuations and the cessation of pandemic-era funding. You need to ensure that your products and services stand out as must-have solutions to users’ everyday needs. Our 3-step guide to validation will help your EdTech product get the best start possible.

Photo of student using EdTech software in a classroom

Designing tech-focused educational grants? The best applicants have these 5 qualities.

Whoever receives a grant from your organization should assure you that those grant dollars will be put to good use. Especially if they’re an EdTech company designing products for better student outcomes, their ability to affect those outcomes is contingent on the quality of their UX research and design processes. Those elements are critical to their success as an EdTech — and yours as a grant foundation funding them. That means your grant program design must specify that applicants demonstrate a firm grasp of UX research and design best practices within the education industry.