Ongoing EdTech Monthly UX Design & Research

Level up your EdTech UX program with monthly support

Whether you’re an early-stage product with no internal UX staff, a mid-stage growing product with a small team, or an enterprise-level product, Openfield provides a strategic and tactical power boost to your UX program.

Openfield specializes in UX research and design for EdTech product teams. Since 2006, we have been working with teams like yours on an ongoing basis to quickly resolve specific user experience problems in the short term, while also tackling complex challenges around scalability, product innovation, data organization, and design systems.

Abstract monthly timeline visualization

Our Ongoing Engagements Allow EdTech Product Teams to:

  • Scale up quickly without the pain of recruiting, onboarding and retaining full-time hires.
  • Tap into unbiased outside expertise with a broad view of what’s happening across the EdTech sector.
  • Access specialized skill sets that their internal resources don’t possess such as accessibility audits and remediation, data dashboarding and visualization, user research, co-creation, prototyping, and design guidelines development.
  • Integrate new processes and practices to elevate the effectiveness of their UX program.
  • Balance long-term strategic improvements while addressing short-term problems.

The Right Fit for Every Stage of Product Maturity

Our expertise spans all stages of EdTech product development. No matter where you are on your journey, we can provide resources and support to empower your team.

Start-ups and Early-stage Products

We bring an instant infusion of EdTech UX research and design expertise to your team. Tap into our deep bench to leverage all the skill sets that you need to enter the market place confidently and iterate quickly as you grow.

Mid-stage Products

Our team has experience juggling both the strategic considerations and executional realities that must be managed carefully when you’re trying to quickly take your EdTech product to the next level of growth. Whether you’ve hired a small internal UX team or not, we can provide an outside perspective and the ability to move more quickly and confidently.

Mature, Market-dominant Products

We bring an unbiased outside view, flexibility, scalability, and specialized skill sets to help your finite internal resources scale to meet any challenge without the burden of attracting, training and retaining additional staff. Regardless of your team size, we can help you plan better, generate more ideas, and release improvements faster.

Achieve Your Long-Term Strategic Goals Faster

We’ve been working with many EdTech product teams on an ongoing basis for as long as 10 years. Here’s how our monthly services enable success:

  • We get up to speed fast and quickly integrate with your team. You might forget we don’t actually work for your company.
  • Our team has a proven track record of achieving results quickly and efficiently.
  • We have the highest standards for UX research and design practices.
  • We protect your institutional knowledge. Documentation and continuity are a core tenet of our work to ensure smooth transitions and ongoing success.

What an Ongoing Openfield Team Looks Like and How Engagements Work

Your Openfield team

Depending on your product’s specific requirements, we will assign a dedicated Openfield team of 1-3 core UX research and design experts, supported by other individuals who bring specialized insights and expertise on an as-needed basis.

Contract structures

Contract durations and monthly budgets will be established at the start. Our approved contracts represent an agreed-upon projected monthly budget spend to be used over either six or twelve months. Most of our clients’ ongoing external UX budgets fall between $12,500 and $20,000 per month. Our engagement structure allows you to increase or decrease your monthly spend at any point if needs change down the road because we understand the complexities of product development.

Why Working with Openfield Makes Sense

Founded in 2006, Openfield is a UX research and design partner focused solely on EdTech. Our work with EdTech teams like yours has made product experiences better for millions of users.

  • 30,000+ hrsEdTech user research

  • 130,000+ hrsOverall EdTech UX

  • 2 million+Have used products we work on

Our expertise has been forged by over 30,000 hours of conducting user interviews, observational studies, surveys, prototype testing, and co-creation workshops that have allowed us to synthesize findings into actionable plans that EdTect product leaders like you use to make more confident decisions.

  • Photo of Brian Keenan
    Brian Keenan

    As a Co-founder of Openfield, Brian’s focus is helping business leaders understand how UX research and design can help them increase speed to market, while reducing risk and waste. He is an avid student and practitioner of landscape photography, which pairs well with his love of road tripping and exploring vast and wild destinations.

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