• photo of Sarah Freitag - Openfield Director of UX Research

    Sarah Freitag

    Director / UX Research


    As Director of UX Research, Sarah draws on her deep understanding of EdTech users and her background in research, design and business strategy to enable our clients to make confident decisions that result in products that solve real needs and create demonstrable impacts on their business’ bottom lines. Sarah is responsible for fostering collaboration, team development and for bringing new strategic initiatives and methodologies that allow her teams to stay ahead of the curve of what EdTech users truly need to realize higher levels of learning and teaching success. In her free time, Sarah is an amateur baker, constantly experimenting with various recipes and techniques. She also enjoys exploring the various parks around Cincinnati, spending quality time with her husband and two daughters.

Articles and Resources from Sarah Freitag

    Photo of two students using e-learning software in a classroom

    The 3-step guide to validating your EdTech product

    Without proper user validation, many EdTech companies risk missing the mark with their products. If your concepts don’t actually resonate with your end users, they easily get lost in the crowded EdTech marketplace. It’s especially risky in light of funding fluctuations and the cessation of pandemic-era funding. You need to ensure that your products and services stand out as must-have solutions to users’ everyday needs. Our 3-step guide to validation will help your EdTech product get the best start possible.

    Photo of student users with EdTech software

    5 UX research program pitfalls to avoid at all costs

    Many EdTech companies make the same common mistakes when structuring their UX research programs, each of which can have significant consequences. But knowing where you’re more likely to make missteps can reduce your chances of making a costly one. By understanding and avoiding these pitfalls, you can ensure your UX research programs are effective and contribute to the overall success of your EdTech products. From focusing solely on user testing to failing to properly validate experiences through product development, these are the five mistakes to watch out for.

    Photo of upward arrows symbolizing UX research aligning to EdTech business goals

    How to design a UX research plan that supports your business goals

    If you’re not designing your plan to help you meet your business goals, you’re missing a major opportunity. UX research plans aren’t just for mining feedback about a design or concept. Done well, a robust research plan paves a path toward meeting all your objectives. So how do you empower your UX research team to build a plan that incorporates your business objectives? In this four-step guide, we’ll show you how to set up your UX research team and your business for success.

    Image of EdTech product team reviewing baseline metrics for usability.

    Learn to prioritize your UX research findings (and level up your EdTech product)

    To get the highest return on your UX research investment, you need to carefully evaluate each finding and focus on the features and fixes that yield the biggest impact — for your users and your product’s future. Download our four tips on how to properly prioritize your UX research findings and you’ll be on your way to doing just that.

    Photo of diverse students
    ARTICLE: Sarah Freitag & Jacob Hansen

    Encourage user research participation with these 5 inclusive practices

    When you think of inclusivity in EdTech product design, your mind probably jumps to accessible design principles. But truly inclusive design starts long before UX designers put pixels to prototypes. In fact, the seeds of inclusivity are planted in the earliest UX research stages. And it all begins with how you recruit and relate to test users. 

    Case Study: New connected digital experience for students and instructors fuels rapid market dominance.

    Openfield provided UX strategy and design that resulted in this intuitive, innovative suite of learning tools that facilitate campus communication and create a standardized ecosystem of support at every stage of the student lifecycle.

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